eyeglasses help focus light onto the corresponding spots on your retina to improve your vision and reduce problems that cause eyestrain and headaches. Eyeglasses can also correct problems that make it difficult to read fine print, drive a car or see distant objects clearly. To get the most from your glasses, be sure to keep your prescription up to date by visiting a trained eye care specialist regularly. Also, know that some types of lenses have small distortions at the edges due to how they are made; this is normal and will go away after a short period of time.

Eye Doctor in Aventura – Personalized Eye Care for the Whole Family

Before you can wear glasses, your eye doctor will need to conduct a complete eye exam and associated tests and determine what type of lenses you require to achieve good vision. Typical refractive errors include nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and trouble seeing up close (presbyopia). The frames in which your glasses are mounted are designed to hold the lenses in place. Early models required you to exert pressure on the bridge of your nose (pince-nez) or held them up by a rod that passed over your ears (lorgnettes).

Today, frames are crafted in a variety of materials including titanium and carbon fiber that are lightweight and flexible. Frames are available in a wide range of shapes and colors and can be constructed to complement any face shape. You can also choose from a number of lens, frame and coating options to fit your lifestyle and fashion preferences.

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